
Lingzhi 2 Day Diet Pills How to Avoid Losing Weight Back

The moment of truth comes when you dust off those old college jeans and are able to slip them on — and keep them buttoned — with ease. Losing weight is a long, hard journey, but that beautiful moment makes it all worthwhile. Since you don't want to end up gaining it all back, here are some tips to help keep your new, slimmer figure.

    Stick with what works: If counting calories was the key to your big weight loss, don't throw out that food journal just because of what the number says on the scale. Whatever is it that worked, make sure it's something you can maintain.

    Don't go back to your old eating ways: After reaching your goal weight, you feel like you deserve a huge reward — we're talking a bacon cheeseburger with fries, tall Coke, and chocolate fudge sundae reward. A huge pat on the back is definitely in order, but you know once you get a taste of that junk food, it'll be hard to say no. It's OK to splurge every so often, but in order to keep the weight off, eat healthy most of the time. If you want to reward your healthy choices and the goals you've reached, do it without food.

    Avoid old triggers: By the end of your weight-loss journey you know yourself inside and out. Do your best to avoid places and situations that make you forgo your healthy ways such as walking by your favorite bakery, watching TV after dinner (sitting on the couch means holding a spoon and pint), or hitting happy hour after work. If you can't give these up entirely, find ways to enjoy them without downing hundreds of calories — split a bakery pastry with a friend, nosh on Greek yogurt instead of ice cream, and order a glass of wine instead of a high-calorie cocktail.

    Elicit your family and friends' support: The journey doesn't end as soon as the scale flashes that magic number. Keeping the weight off may be even harder than dropping the pounds in the first place, so don't do it alone. Make it known that you need the help of the people around you, whether it be to share healthy recipes or to watch the kids while you hit the gym.

    Continue setting goals: Even if you reached that huge mega goal of losing 60 pounds, in order to stay on the healthy path, continue setting smaller, short-term goals. It could be a fitness goal like "do yoga two times next week," or "try a new fitness class once a month," or a healthy eating goal such as, "eat 10 different vegetables every day," or "only eat two Hershey's Kisses after dinner (instead of a huge handful)." Make the goals realistic and if they're big enough, find ways to reward yourself without undoing all the hard work you've done.

    Keep exercising: Don't throw in the towel once you hit your goal. In order to maintain your current weight, a regular exercise routine is a must. It will also maintain the muscle mass that helps burn even more calories and keeps metabolism buzzing. Exercising regularly is also proven to help you sleep better, and getting enough rest is another way to prevent weight gain.

    Weigh yourself every week: Gaining a few pounds in a few weeks may not seem like a lot, but remember that a person gains 50 pounds, one pound a time. If you find the scale numbers going up, reevaluate your eating and exercise routine to figure out what changes need to be made in order to prevent the weight from continuing to creep back on.

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Do You Try Interval Training to Lose Weight

Interval training is the ultimate fitness mashup, blending the speeds of both the tortoise and the hare. All the benefits of this training are enough to motivate you to pick up your pace and head to the gym now. Keep reading to learn why you should play with intervals.

Decrease Your Resting Heart Rate

Working out increases circulation and benefits the heart, but more specifically, interval training makes your heart more efficient so it pumps more blood with each beat, reducing the number of beats per minute. The fewer times your heart beats per minute, the less wear and tear there is on the mechanics of the organ, which is great for the long-term health of your ticker. Learn how to find your resting heart rate here.

Increase Your Speed

This is the most obvious benefit of interval training, but it is still worth noting. Picking up your pace when interval training helps to increase your overall speed during other activities. It not only builds stronger muscles that help to pick up the pace, but practicing short sprinting bursts will also help your body feel more comfortable moving faster.

Intervals Are Efficient

No doubt about it, interval training is efficient. Pushing your cardiovascular system by adding intervals means you burn more calories in less time, which is just what you need with your busy schedule. Check out this chart to see how many extra calories you burn by picking up the pace.

Interval Training Works With All Forms of Cardio

Most people think of running when they think of interval training. However, intervals can be done with every kind of cardio — whether you are working out in the pool, on the elliptical, running, rowing, skiing, or hiking. Playing with your speed offers all the previously mentioned benefits. Here are five ways to get even more out of your interval workouts.

Decrease Your Resting Heart Rate

Working out increases circulation and benefits the heart, but more specifically, interval training makes your heart more efficient so it pumps more blood with each beat, reducing the number of beats per minute. The fewer times your heart beats per minute, the less wear and tear there is on the mechanics of the organ, which is great for the long-term health of your ticker. Learn how to find your resting heart rate here.

Eveyone wants have the healthy life and you should find the healthy and safe way to lose weight.You can visit the Fruta Planta Slimming official blog to find the tips for yourself.


Meizitang Diet Pills Tell You The Relationship Between Losing Sleep and Gaining Weight

Lack of sleep can affect your appearance in more ways than you think. Our friends at Self tell us just how bad sleep deprivation is for our waistlines.

We've all had those mornings where thanks to a bad night's sleep, you get the dreaded, "You look really tired" (aka "You look like hell") feedback from well-meaning co-workers and friends. We've all been there. But, dark under-eye circles and energy levels aside, here's another reason for getting a full night's rest: your waistline.

Yep, sleep can affect how much weight you gain. According to sleep scientists, we are not wired for sleep deprivation, and as a result, every bodily process is affected.

"There is no doubt that insufficient sleep promotes hunger and appetite, which can cause excessive food intake resulting in weight gain," says Eve Van Cauter, director of the Sleep, Metabolism and Health Center at the University of Chicago.

Granted, it's up for debate how many hours makes up the ideal full night's rest. Research shows that all THESE things are happening on days you don't get enough sleep:

    Levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin increase, and levels of the satiety/fullness hormone called leptin decreases. This can lead to overeating and weight gain.
    You consume about 300 more calories a day, and most of it comes from high-fat foods.
    You consume more calories than what is needed to provide the energy to stay awake longer. If this continuously happens at night it can lead to significant weight gain.

One study showed that participants who did not get enough sleep over five days not only had a higher carb intake, but they also gained nearly 2 pounds in that time period. Clearly, getting enough zzz's is important.

Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep. According to Kenneth Wright, director of sleep and chronobiology laboratory at the University of Colorado in Boulder, those people who are getting enough rest reduce both their fat and carb intake.

Now that's something think about. Will you be turning lights out earlier tonight?Share with us on our official website .